Sunday, January 4, 2009


Honey Dew, Sampson and I made it out for our walk. I wouldn't say it was a very energetic endeavor as 1. I didn't want to get overheated, 2. the pups wanted to sniff and snuffle about, but we had a great time and it accomplished our goal of getting some fresh air and some exercise. I took them down by the river and we got to see a couple of large flocks of Canadian Geese. (Sorry no pictures today.) The temperature was 37 degrees so it was above freezing.

One of our Dogs on Thursday buddies, G Marie, had made a list of goals for the New Year. I had left a comment for her to which she replied and asked if I had made be honest, I hesitated to make a list let alone post it. I was somewhat afraid to because some of them might be out too big a goal to accomplish in a year. But now I think with her slight nudge of encouragement I will so here goes...

  • Unearth my sewing machine from my son's room (this will be a major feat in itself!)
  • Actually use the sewing machine to start and finish some projects that have been stockpiling for the last two years.
  • Clean out every junk drawer and cabinet in this house (starting with my china closet that my husband thinks is a filing cabinet!)
  • Walk the Hounds daily! ( I think I may keep a score card on this blog for this one. Instead of miles though it maybe measured in time or sniffs and snuffles). Though in summer when we can get through the woods and I can let them off lead we seem to go much faster and cover much ground.
  • OK this is my big one. I need to loose 40 pounds (joint and health issues, not vanity). I don't know how much one is encouraged to loose in a year but I promise myself to make a concerted effort to eat much healthier and exercise everyday.

Wish me luck.


  1. We wish you loads of luck. Also my mum says she will join you in the last one as she too needs to lose weight!

  2. Glad you're feeling a bit better....and good luck with your goals! Roxy's Mum over at "the Devil Dog" has kind of a support group going for weight loss and goals etc, she's in my blog list too.
    Slobbers xx

  3. With you on the weight loss, but I'd be happy just to get back to last years size 16W!

  4. I'm about to post my resolutions for 2009. We have a few similar ones!
