Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Benjamin, Happy Birthday to you! and many more!

My youngest son turned 20 years old today. No it doesn't make me feel old. It makes me feel very proud to see what a fine young man he has grown into. A difficult pregnancy, bronchial pnemonia at 3 weeks, asthma, nights in a steaming bathroom, not too mention the daredevil stunts he always pulled, more trips to the hospital for stitches than I care to remember, all have always been worth it just to see him smile, laugh, and be happy. He heads back to college this week. This Summer having him at home, just like his childhood and growing up has gone by so fast! Ben, don't forget to call your mother!

In other news....

Here are some dudes chilling by the bbq pit...

My Hubby and my Dad, aren't they cute!

And more Roses for my Aunt Rose,

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