Saturday, October 9, 2010


Gorgeous afternoon so the houndies and I set off for a riverwalk...of course once again, I forgot my camera, but did manage a couple of snaps on my cell phone.

The fall colors are really coming out.

I don't know if you can make out the picture below, but it was clusters of wild grapes left after the grape leaves have died back.

So after this idyllic walk, imagine my horror, that in between loading up the hounds to come back home and unloading back at the house, HoneyDew's face and head must have been crawling with thousands of ticks! Well maybe not that many...but it sure seemed like it. Thank heaven the frontline was working because the ticks would go down into her fur then come right back up which made it a lot easier to get them off her. All I can say is eeeewwwwwe! Sampson only had like four on him, but he mostly stayed in the clearings unlike Miss Nose that has to go into every bit of underbrush and high weeds she can find.
Someone remind me of this next fall, k?


  1. Hi we are new follwers of your blog, I came across it from Honeybelle's blog. Your pups are so cute - cant wait to read more about yall!

  2. Omygosh!! Ticks! Good thing you were prepared in advance! The fall colors are gorgeous in an area where the doggies could sniff-sniff-sniff!

