Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I just wanted to drop you all a quick note to let everyone know that we are still here! Just to give you a quick overview of what the heck I have been doing since I obviously have not been blogging:

Let's see...
  • Had surgery and recovery. I feel a lot better now, with a lot more energy!
  • Helped mom get moved and settled in to her cute new place. My husband and other siblings/spouses, children have all lent and a hand and lots of time to the unpacking and adjusting things to how Mom likes them. It is a joy to have her near us.
  • Spending time with all the family.
  • Weekend trip to see my youngest and daughter n law and their new place.
  • My sons have had quite a few trips home and back to their respective places.
  • Mom and Father n law's surgery recovery/visits.
  • Gallivanting with my mom ;-), we recently went antiquing and shopping for finds in second hand stores, very fun!
  • Walks with the hounds in the early spring weather that we have had.
  • Trout fishing with my hubby.
  • Still doing date night with my Dad and Step-Ma on Friday nights, gives us a chance to catch up each week.
  • Knitting ( I will post pics later.)
  • And working.
The hound pups are doing well although Sampson has given us quite a turn. He has had one full blown seizure and we think another one that we weren't home for but there appear to be signs of it. We are not sure what the cause was but are monitoring him and documenting for the vet. I sure hope he does not have anymore. HoneyDew has been her lovable self and makes me smile all the time. We have lots of snuggle time and exploring time and they have also been going and visiting Grandma and Miss Izzy.

The chickens have been verrryyyyy productive this year. And I have been selling quite a few eggs.

Plans have been made for the garden and I have a few outdoor projects I have been working on. My dad made me a planter box for One Cackle Way and I will post pics once I have all the flowers in.

Middle son finishes up his internship at the National Institute in Washington DC and the great job hunt is underway as he graduates May 11th. I am very proud of him! I am not sure where he will move to but as he says, have to go where the job is. All three of boys will have graduated from college and they are the first generation to do so on both sides of the family. I am very proud of them all!

At work, we are getting into our busy season but it is manageable and I am trying to make sure I keep everything and everyone balanced.

I am enjoying life, living in the moment and enjoying each moment to the fullest! Nice to blog again too and I will be visiting your blogs soon to catch up with what you are up to.

Thank you for stopping by!

Update at 9:56 PM: No sooner had I pushed "publish" on this post, then my husband yelled for me, Sampson has had another seizure. I will be contacting the vet again in the morning. That makes 3, we believe, this month! I am not sure what is triggering the episodes, this time he woke up and went right into it...very scary...